Taky jsem si toho všiml a se sousedním Slovenskem přitom nemají problém (takže v geografii to nebude😞
No to není záležitost prodejců, ale eBay. Asi si myslí, že ČR = Čečensko.
Ale i tak se s prodejci lze domluvit.
Proč by to bylo v kompetenci eBay? O tom, komu budu posílat, či nikoli, to je v gesci prodejce. Některý prodejce do ČR zásilky posílá druhý z nějakého jeho osobního důvodu neposílá a na osobní dotaz jasně uvede, že do ČR neposílá!!
Koupím hezky zachovalé mince Františka II. Nabídky prosím zasílejte na email MERKUR1@o2active.cz
No tak to bohužel pravda není. Mám to přímo z komunikace z eBay, viz příspěvek níže.
Hello Jiri,
Thank you for contacting eBay about why Czech Republic is ban on shipping the item from US where in fact it is not mentioned of USPS website. Im more than happy to look closer into this and see what I can do to help you today.
Jiri, we do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you and I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe during this very difficult time.
Base on the information I get, and this is under USPS website and I am going to put a link below for you to see the information. Once you are on the page you need to scroll down and find Czech Republic. I am going to provide a screenshot on this email as well for you to see the information.
And this is the information, “Czech Republic’s post advises that acceptance of mail for some countries remains temporarily suspended due to the transport situation and continuing lockdown in destination countries. Due to cancellation and postponement of flights, processing of outbound items may be subject to significant delays. In addition, because of social distancing rules, delays may occur in processing and delivery of all types inbound and domestic mail items. Previously communicated restrictions regarding service standards and application of force majeure remain in place.”
I’m confident that this will help resolve your issue about your concern and have a great day!
Thank you for choosing eBay! Your trust and confidence is very important to us.
Kind Regards,
Anthony A.
eBay Customer Service
S touto vágní odpovědí jsem se však nesmířil a argumentoval jsem takto:
I thank you for your response. I am afraid it is not helpful for me. Similar statements are valid for Germany and other European countries. On eBay, no limitations are valid for such European countries such as Germany. Czech post accept post to USA although there are very limited number of flights abroad (and across the Atlantic).
I hope to remove Czech republic soon from the list of countries where it is not possible to send items.
A kupodivu i odpověděli (13.6.2020):
Hello Jiri,
Thanks for writing back. I understand you are hoping to remove Czech Republic from countries that can not be shipped to. I would like to apologize for this inconvenience and let me assist you today.
Jiri, I can confirm that shipping option to Czech Republic is still disabled despite most shipping companies have resumed their operations. Items still can not be shipped to your location even if sellers do because the system automatically places the shipping restriction.
I want to assure you that there is no problem with your shipping address or your account. We have taken this action in order to temporarily manage the buying activities from your region in lined with the effects brought by COVID-19.
This is only temporary on listings from eBay.com (US Site). We don’t have an exact time frame just yet but we will continue to find better ways to offer shipping service to your region sooner.
For now, I recommend looking for similar items available within your location or from other sites such eBay UK, eBay Australia or eBay Germany.
I trust this information I have provided explains why shipping to Czech Republic is temporarily have shipping restrictions. Thanks for your continuous understanding Jiri and I appreciate your time.
Thank you for choosing eBay! We value your business.
Joyce L.
eBay Customer Service
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